
  • UV-VIS spectrophotometer with multiple cuvettes, thermostatic control and continuous stirring.
  • UV-VIS plate reader.
  • Fluorimeter.
  • HPLC system with electrochemical detection.
  • HPLC system with UV detection.
  • HPLC system with fluorescence detection.
  • Automatic sample injector for HPLC systems.
  • Conventional PCR system 1 to assess gene expression.
  • Real-time PCR (qPCR) to quantify gene expression.
  • Western blot system (buckets, power supply, etc.) to quantify levels of specific proteins.
  • Vacuum concentrator.
  • Equipment for basic immunohistochemistry (microtome, microscope, etc.).
  • Microcentrifuge, refrigerated centrifuge and ultracentrifuge.
  • Basic laboratory -Equipment2.
  • Image documentation system.

1 Thermocycler, electrophoresis system, system of image analysis for gels.
2 -20 and -80 freezers, distillation and ultra-pure water equipment, balances, pH meters, normal and orbital shakers, incubation baths, incubation stoves, sterilizer, sonicator, homogenizer, micropipettes, multichannel pipettes, dispensers, etc.


  • 4 Equipped research laboratories (200 m2 in total).
  • Cell culture laboratory (CO2 incubator, strelizer, laminar flow hood, inverted microscope).
  • Wet lab for fish experimentation in Marine Science Station (ECIMAT) of the University of Vigo in Toralla Island.


  • Techniques of manipulation, surgery, substance delivery, collection and processing of samples for research both in vivo and in vitro with tissues and cells of fish.
  • Quantification of metabolites and enzymatic activities by UV-VIS spectrophotometry, HPLC, and fluorimetry.
  • Quantification of neurotransmitters and hormones.
  • Quantification by qRT-PCR of mRNA levels resulting from gene expression.
  • Quantification by western blot for the presence of specific proteins.
  • Quantification by ELISA of plasma hormone levels.
  • Techniques of immunohistochemistry to assess the presence of specific proteins in tissues.
  • Evaluation of parameters related to food intake and growth.
  • Assessment of locomotor activity.