National networks
PISCIBIEN. Thematic Network on Fish Welfare and Stress
Formed by the Fish Physiology Research group of the University of Vigo, and Research groups from: Automous University of Barcelona (leader), University of Cádiz, Polytechnic University of Madrid, University of Murcia, Aquaculture Institute Torre de la Sal-CSIC, Complutense University of Madrid, Institut de Recerca i tecnología Agroalimentaria (IRTA), University of las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and Instituto de investigación y formación agraria y pesquera de Andalucía (IFAPA)
INTEGRAFISH. Metabolic, circadian, and behavioral integration of food intake control in fish
Formed by the Fish Physiology Research group of the University of Vigo (leader), and Research groups from: Complutense University of Madrid (María Jesús Delgado) and Aquaculture Institute Torre de la Sal-CSIC (José Miguel Cerdá-Reverter)
CHRONOFISH, Thematic network on fish chronobiology and its appplication in aquaculture
Formed by the Fish Physiology Research group of the University of Vigo, and Research groups from: University of Murcia (coordinadora), University of Cádiz, Instituto de Acuicultura Torre de la Sal-CSIC, Complutense University of Madrid and Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía-CSIC
International networks
CLEANFISH. Thematic Network on Fish Welfare, growth, and metabolism
Coordinated by the Fish Physiology Research group of the University of Vigo including groups from: Centre of Neurosciences and Cellular Biology of Coimbra-Portugal (leader), INRA StPée-France, University of Porto-Portugal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology-Norway, and University of the Basque Country-Spain.