Implications of free temperature choice on the stress response behaviour and brain function in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Date of beginning: 15/01/2025 | Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Regulation of feeding behavior in rainbow trout fed with a plant-based diet supplemented with an active molecule targeting taste receptors
Date of beginning: 27/04/2025 | EMBRC-ERIC


Evaluation of different stunning methodologies for Senegalese sole applying innovative electrophysiological techniques (LETEELEG)
Date of beginning: 01/08/2024 | CETGA
Analysis and improvement of welfare in the cultivation of flatfish (sole, turbrot) in different phases of production (WELFLATFISH)
Date of beginning: 01/03/2024 | Stolt Sea farm


Application of electrocephalographic techniques during stunning and slaughter in turbot
Date of beginning: 01/05/2023


Sensorial and welfare assessment of stunning and slaughter methods in turbot
Date of beginning: 01/10/2022 | Stolt Sea farm


Assesment of gastrointestinal response in rainbow trout to feeding with diets of different proteic composition
Date of beginning: 15/11/2021 | LUCTA S.A.


Effect of amino acid mixtures on gastrointestinal sensory capacity in Rainbow Trout
Date of beginning: 15/06/2020 | LUCTA S.A.


Study of a new stunning method with ice water of high ionic strength in turbot (Aquafreeze)
Date of beginning: 29/10/2019 | Cluster de la Acuicultura (CETGA)
Characterization of amino acid sensor mechanisms at the gastrointestinal level in fish
Date of beginning: 01/07/2019 | LUCTA S.A.


Effect of oral amino acid administration on the central mechanisms involved in the regulation of Rainbow Trout intake
Date of beginning: 01/10/2018 | LUCTA S.A.


Evaluation of the activity of amino acid sensory systems in brain areas of Rainbow Trout in response to the presence of different types of amino acids in the gastrointestinal tract
Date of beginning: 01/06/2017 | LUCTA S.A.